Student Work
Come see what students are doing in the TD World for the 2023-2024 School Year!

3-5 Grade Paper Chain STEM Activity

1st Grade Bridge Map

The upper grades where put into groups and asked to construct the longest paper chain they could with just one piece of construction paper within 20 minutes. We then measured them and charted and graphed the data.
The students randomly chose pictures from a bag and glued them onto a bridge map. They then had to write down things they had in common even though they seemed very different. This lead into analogies.
3rd Grade Change Concept

3rd Grade Taba Lesson

3rd Grade did a Taba Lesson on the concept of change. The students had to come up with words that represented change. They then categorize these items on sticky notes into groups with titles showing the connections. We then created 4 generalizations about Change.
We started the concept of change and students were asked to choose an article from the different options and in those groups read the article and write down the changes they noticed from that specific organism.
5th Grade- Mean, Median, Mode, and Range

5th Grade learned about mean, median, mode, and range and then used that knowledge to find each for the lengths of the classes paper chains.
5th Grade- Dystopia Concept

5th Grade was given a summary of a dystopian novel to read and they were to search for dystopian characteristics within that novel. They then shared what they found with the class.
1st Grade Thinker and Finder Questions

1st Graders listened to a read aloud story "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" and then answered thinker vs finder questions.
3rd Grade Hands on Equations

3rd Grade is starting to learn the basics of algebra using hands on equations slides, worksheets, and manipulatives in order to become successful at it.
1st Grade- Literature Web

Students listened to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and together we filled out a literature web based on the story, focusing on key words, feelings, main idea, and images.
1st Grade Conjunctions

After as a class we talked about what a conjunction was and the different types we listened to a story called "Joseph had a Little Overcoat" and students in groups had to glue together the events in the story in order and show the conjunction used to connect those events.
4th Grade Taba Lesson

4th Grade went through thinking of words that had to adaptation and then creating groups for those words along with naming the groups they created. This then helped them think of generalizations about adaptations.
3-5 Grade Generalizations- ARES

3-5 grade students all had concepts that we were reading about and gaining information on. At the end of our Taba Lesson students created generalizations about the concept we were studying that we will reference through the unit.
4th Grade SWOT

Students were asked to look into one of our main characters of our novel Doon and after identifying his character traits we identified helpful and harmful internal and external factors.
5th Grade- New World SWOT

5th Grade Long Division

5th Grade has been working on multiplication and division within their classroom and mine. We did lessons where they practiced with standard algorithm multiplication as well as long division.
3rd Grade Planet Survival
5th Grade students were given a Dystopian short story to read. After reading it and discussing the characteristics that make is dystopian students then had to discuss the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of that specific society.

5th Grade- Dystopian ELA Breakout Room

3rd Grade is reading the novel The Green Book about surviving on another planet. They were given a planet to research and then create a flow map showing the issues that would come from living on the planet and a change an animal could take on that would help it survive, and how it would use that to survive.
3rd Grade Science Experiment
5th Graders were given a back story to this dystopian world where the main character has to find the cure to this disease to save herself. The students must read, infer, and analyze multiple types of clues in order to get the main character to safety.
1st Grade- Yet University

1st Grade has started Yet University. We started learning about deductive thinking and using clues to find the one and only solution.

3rd Grade is doing a novel study with The Green Book and within the novel the trees on the new planet give out the red goo that taste like candy. As a class we are testing what the best type of red candy we have here on earth would be to have on Shine.
4th Grade Idioms
5th Grade Multiplication Puzzlers

5th Grade has been working on their multiplication and division knowledge. They put their multiplication knowledge to the test and figured out what number each letter stood for in these multiplication puzzlers.

As a class we talked about what an idiom is and went through some examples. We then analyzed idioms that were in our novel we are reading The City Of Ember. We talked about what each idiom meant.
3rd Grade Change Generalizations

5th Grade- Iceburg of Why

5th Grade has being doing the concept of Dystopia. We read an article about the 1700 and 1800 Utopian communities that emerged and what they had planned. The students then had to answer the question of what made their community a Utopia and extend on that answer by creating other why questions and researching the answers to those.
3rd grade had the concept of change for the novel study of The Green Book. Once finished with the novel we looked at generalized statements about change and found evidence proving them as true from within our text.
3rd Grade Invention Activity

1st Grade- Words with Double Meanings

1st Graders spent a couple days learning and practicing words with double meanings. They then had to choose a word from the list and write the two meanings it had in their own words and draw a picture to show it.
3rd Grade was assigned to create an invention that would solve a problem from the Planet Shine that is from our novel study. They had to use the resources that are available on Shine to do so and the goal was to make life better for the people who live there.

3rd Grade-Hands on Equations Verbal Problems
3rd grade finished up the algebra unit with the hands on equations verbal problems where the goal was for the students to create the equation using x for the unknown and then find out what x was.
4th Grade Hydropower Generator

4th Grade read the novel The City of Ember where the citizens in this dystopian world only had light through a generator that was powered by the river flowing under them. After finishing the novel we read about hydropower in real life and the students where given the task of building a generator of their own. They were given all the pieces and the instructions and as a group had to work together to build it correctly to get the LED light attached to turn on.
5th Grade Cryptarithms

5th grade has been working on math problems of addition and multiplication that involve letters and words instead of numbers. They have to figure out what number each letter stands for that would make the math problem correct following the rules that the same letter means the same number and different letters mean different numbers.
3rd Grade End of Unit Project: Shine Brochure

3rd grade had to create a 4 item brochure based on the topics chosen from the rubric. All aspects of the brochure had to incorporate things they learned from the novel and that were cohesive with planet Shine.
1st Grade Yet University- Sybil

1st Grade had to cut out their limpet creatures and create groups based on the attributes they noticed about the creatures. They labeled the groups and glued the limpets that followed those rules. Some chose to do the type of mouth while others did the pattern.
3rd Grade- Breakout EDU

3rd graders just completed their algebra unit and finished it off with a breakout EDU. That is an online interactive breakout room that has students use word and picture clues in order to find the correct combination and move onto the next room. They are math based and students must solve math problems to get to the next part. We do some together and the students are then allowed to try some on their own computers working with the students around them.
2nd Grade Novel Study

We are reading a novel called Punished together and for each chapter students answer questions that connect back to it independently and then we come back together to talk about it.
1st Grade- Good News Bad News

2nd Grade- Figurative Language

With our novel study Punished students with each chapter are introduced to a new kind of figurative language. For chapter 3 we looked into puns and students had to write some examples from the text and next to it write their actual meaning.
1st Grade- Tangrams

With the students learning about different types of thinking we talked and worked with our visual and spatial abilities manipulating tangrams. Students learned the rules and then were given different sheets that had to complete using tangrams. The sheets got harder as they were given them.
1st Grade is continuing on with Yet University and they have learned about using creative writing skills. For this lesson they completed a story that starts off with good news then they have to continue it with the pattern of good news bad news until it ends with a last piece of good news.
4th Grade Novel Study- Number the Stars

4th grade students have started our new unit novel study Number the Stars which is based during WWII and the Holocaust for Jewish families in Denmark. They did background information on what the Holocaust, Hiroshima, and Pearl Harbor have to do with WWII.
5th Grade- Iceberg of Why's
4th Grade- Number the Stars Novel Escape Room

4th Grade has finished our novel Number the Stars and as one of their end projects they are completing an end of novel escape room. In two groups they have to work through 4 different tasks that all relate to events or characters in the text.

5th grade read chapters 7-9 in our novel Chasing Lincoln's Killer and some major events occurred. Students were asking to answer and create a series of why questions pertaining to some of those events.